1. a position in a group, series, or sequence of events; a place or time to do something. 2. a hole, groove, or opening; a slit. 3. a position in a company or organization; an appointment, berth, billet, job, or position.
In computing, a slot (or slots) is a container that holds dynamic content on a Web page. A slot can be either passive or active, and it is filled by a scenario that references a repository item (content). A renderer specifies how the content in the slot will be presented on the page.
A slit in the side of a can or other container for holding canned goods. Also a passage or gap in a wall or door that can be used as a vent, to allow light or air into a room.
An airline’s right to operate at a particular airport at certain times, granted by an air traffic controller. Often, the number of available slots is limited by runway capacity or other factors, and airlines compete to be allocated a slot at an airport.
In casino gaming, a slot machine is a type of gambling device that accepts paper tickets with barcodes or magnetic strips, and usually pays out winnings according to a predetermined paytable. The most common types of slot machines are 3-reel, 5-reel, and video slots. Some states, such as Alaska, Arizona, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas, allow private ownership of slot machines; other states have restrictions on the types and number of machines that may be owned.